Tuesday, January 31, 2006

2:24, 3:11

Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God. For who can eat and who can have enjoyment without Him?

All is not lost in your daily labor, though much of Ecclesiastes talks about it's worthlessness. When your life's focus is on glorifying God and laboring for eternity, you will be blessed with not only enjoyment in the labor but also in knowing God is pleased and eternity affected. Labor without an eternal perspective is worthless and will cease when you do. Enjoy life in service for Christ! God WANTS us to...the verse says nothing is better than joy in the soul over life's work! We just have to see where the joy can be found!

He has made everything beautiful in His time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out what the work that God does is from beginning to end.
God made man for HIS ETERNAL purpose. Therefore anything we do apart from Him or His will for eternity is worthless and will not bring satisfaction to ourselves, Him, or others. Oh sure, maybe momentary satisfaction, but why waste your time and energy? And why sacrifice the ultimate satisfaction of seeing true beauty come out of His plan for your life?

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ecclesiastes: Introduction, 2:11, 2:18

So begins the Ecclesiastes journey... I am using Matt's MacArthur study Bible, and there were several thoughts from the introduction that were profound and set the tone for what I wanted to gain from Ecclesiastes. As far as actual study, I read a small section each day and then look at the notes for it. I then choose a verse (or two) that impact me most for that day, write it in a journal, and then write my own thoughts on that particular selection. In order to catch up to where I am now, I'll post a few at a time.

I pray that you all will see what I have seen. Some say to prepare yourself for depression when you study Ecclesiastes. I have actually found the opposite to be true. Ecclesiastes is quite a motivating book to make sure that EVERYTHING you do has eternal impact. It reveals one of our highest callings as Christians: to stop thinking of ourselves and live our lives for God and God alone.

Introduction Thoughts:

1) Avoid walking through life on human wisdom alone. Rather, live life by the revealed wisdom of God.
2) Vanity is the futile attempt to be satisfied apart from God.
3) The "abundant life" is obtained by seeing and accepting each day and ALL it contains as a gift from God...even the hard parts because they stretch and grow you.
4) The primary purposes and issues of life are to enjoy divine blessing and prepare for the Divine Judgment. (Now, if that's not motivation to live a life full of joy and eternal purpose, I don't know what is!)


Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done and on the labor in which I had toiled; and indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the sun.
To expend God-given resources for human accomplishment alone is empty. This includes time and energy -- if you only have enough time and energy to clean the bathroom or spend time with God, which would be more profitable? Hint: which has eternal impact and will last?
Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because I must leave it to the man who will come after me. And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool?
You may be a control freak, and you may keep a fair amount of control for your whole life. But you WILL eventually cease from this earth and no longer have control over your affairs. How does that make you feel? 1) Start letting go, be flexible, and focus on eternal matters. 2) Train up someone to have the same eternal values and leave your affairs with them.
Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Titus 2:3-4, "Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children..."

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Freedom in Obedience

I know, I know. I have not posted on this blog daily as I said I would. I'm a faulty human. But...I've got a good excuse. The past several days have been quite FULL of Bible study and heart searching. I think God is trying to teach me about the principles of loving confrontation and seeking reconciliation with fellow Christians. He is teaching me the power and confidence that comes by always seeking the Spirit's guidance with words that must be written by me and read by another. He has revealed to me how to distinguish hurt from true anger within my own heart...and how anger really can eat away at you. Above all, He has shown me the amazing freedom that comes when I finally realize what I must do to obey Him...the freedom that has been there for months, if only I had been willing to see it.

Not to mention, I've got a close friend who has learned the same things this past weekend. I guess it's just the season of confrontation/reconciliation lessons!

One of the letters I have written contains quite a bit of Scripture. As I was searching for various passages to go with each topic, I saw more and more the simple but profound power contained in each verse. It was as if I had never really SEEN what was written. Sure alot of the verses were familiar, and I've even heard sermons on them. But maybe that's just it. They've been disected for me so much, that only when I studied for myself and my own purposes did I see the verse as a whole...a powerful whole!

Take James 1:26-27 for instance.

If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Ok, so we've all heard the second verse before...many times in fact. But here were the two "Oh DUH!" thoughts that hit me:
1) In verse 26, it simply states that if you are religious -- you obey the Word, you pray, you participate in all sorts of ministry and service -- but do not have a bridled tongue, all you do is worthless. Worthless! Just because of the way you speak. The power in that statement? Our speech has the power to negate what we do in Christ's name. I haven't ever heard anyone preach on that.
2) In verse 27, I've only heard people talk about the orphans and widows part being pure and undefiled religion. But it doesn't stop there. Keeping yourself unstained by the world is also part of pure and undefiled religion. Of course! How can you serve effectively and have a proper witness if you participate in things the world advocates -- everything from entertainment to drinking to sex? I'm not saying we need to be legalistic and throw our TV's out the window, never touch alcohol, and become nuns and monks. It just amazes me that people talk about serving orphans and widows but never touch on making sure your life isn't tainted by the world as you serve.
I know these are simple realizations. After all, the words are there in plain text. But that is my point. I have seen the blatant power of Scripture in all this letter writing that I have done. I have come to ask why people do not clearly see and understand what is written. God has given us EVERYTHING we need for spiritual living and obedience to His will. And He didn't give it to us in riddles and rhymes. He has made it so easy for us to know Him more, to know what He wants of us, to know even our world's history from a spiritual perspective. All we have to do is open the Book...and just read!
So not only have I found freedom from the bonds of putting off what He was asking me to do, but in that obedience I have found freedom in seeing the simplicity of God's Word. It encourages me to study more because I know that it is able to be understood...without the aid of pastors, commentaries, Greek dictionaries...!
And isn't that how it is supposed to be? Know the Truth, because the Truth will set you free!

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Importance of Christian Friendship

Pastor Curtis Hall
Selections from Proverbs

Friendship Defined: a unique same gender relationship with common interests; a relationship that stretches and grows both persons involved

The Differences Between Community and Friendship:
Community reaches wide. Friendship reaches deep.
Community is a large group. Friendship is a small group.
Community is acquainted. Friendship is intimate.
Community knows when you are there. Friendship knows when you are missing.

1) Choose Your Friends - They are your guides. Proverbs 12:26, "The righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray." Choose friends who are going where you are going, doing what you are doing, passionate about what you are passionate about, and fighting what you are fighting. (II Timothy 4:16)

2) Love Your Friends. Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Make I Corinthians 13 your mission for friendship. A true friend will not remove themselves from you during tough times. They will love you more. BE this friend to others, too!

3) Enjoy Your Friends. Proverbs 27:9, "Oil and perfume make the heart glad, so a man's counsel is sweet to his friend." You do not have to fear judgment from true friends. You can reveal your whole self and rest securely in them. This is pure enjoyment!

4) Protect Your Friends. Proverbs 16:28, "A perverse man spreads strife, and a slanderer separates intimate friends." Stop strife, lies, gossip, and perversion of or about your friends. They should do the same for you. (Proverbs 17:9)

5) Correct Your Friends. Proverbs 27:6, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy." Keep each other from destruction. Be vulnerable and controntable. Value each other's souls more than the friendship itself. (Proverbs 27:17)

You can not be the perfect friend apart from Christ, who IS the perfect Friend. He can not be exhausted or stifled as we as humans can be. He is our model for friendship! What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear...

These points will work in the world only in theory. They can only be truly fleshed out when Christ is the source and center of the friendship.

PRAY for good friends, and pray that you can BE a good friend! There is nothing sweeter than intimate companionship on the journey towards Christ-likeness!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A Fast Way to Grow Close to God

Pastor Jim Achilles
Matthew 6:16-18

Whenever you fast, do not put on a gloomy face as the hypocrites do, for they neglect their appearance so that they will be noticed by men when they are fasting. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face so that your fasting will not be noticed by men, but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.


Fasting is the act of abstaining from food in order to accomplish a spiritual purpose. Fact: The New Testament never commands a believer to fast. It teaches about other spiritual disciplines with depth and power, but only in a few places does it describe proper fasting, and then only as an explanation and not as a command.

So should we or shouldn't we? That's not really the right question. The Lord's point in the Sermon on the Mount is not whether, but why! What are the motives behind our pursuit of spiritual disciplines? Do we truly long for His honor, His kingdom, and His will?

1) Fasting Defined - The act of abstaining from food in order to accomplish a spiritual purpose.
~ I Timothy 4:4-5 - You are not rejecting food, but abstaining from food.
~ Food represents one of our greatest physical needs. Fasting teaches us what it is to truly hunger and thirst physically, which translates to how we should be hungering and thirsting after righteousness.
~ Abstaining from something that is GOOD (food) for a time should push you to focus on something that is BETTER -- pursuing closeness with God and desiring righteousness.
~ Saying "I could never give up _______" shows idolatry and points out exactly what is distracting you from God and His righteousness...and therefore pinpoints what you need to give up.

2) Is fasting good to do? Absolutely!
~ In verse 16, Jesus says "when" and not "if." It is expected, though not commanded, of a believer's life.
~ The Father rewards proper fasting (6:18). You do not merit this reward by fasting though. He favors fasting and chooses to reward you (I Corinthians 4:4-5).

3) Reasons for Fasting
A. Grief - Matthew 9:14 ff, the Day of Atonement, Matthew 5:4, grief over sin especially.
B. Guidance - Acts 13 and 14. Food dulls your senses, so when it is lacking you are more alert and aware of both your body and your mind.
C. Spiritual Growth - When you have been stagnant, fasting is a wonderful way to refocus your thoughts and priorities. Every hunger pang will remind you of your need for spiritual satiety, just as you need physical satiety. Think of Christ in the wilderness for 40 days!

4) Worthless Fasting
A. To Promote Self (6:16-17) - You will have no eternal reward or spiritual value to your fasting if you do it to promote yourself in front of others. A genuine fast is between you and God, not you and others. How much service for Christ do you do so others will notice? Note: It is perfectly fine for people to KNOW you are fasting. It is impossible to keep it from your spouse. If they ask what you want for lunch, politely decline and let them know you are fasting. Don't make a big deal out of it, but don't be all mysterious about it.
B. To Earn God's Favor - God does not owe you anything, especially for arrogance that causes you to judge others as less holy since you are fasting. You are to favor God. His favor is reserved for Himself because He deserves it!
C. Not Resulting in Holy Living (Isaiah 58:6) - Obey the whole Word, not just the fasting discipline. Fasting is a discipline that is attached to holy living. You fast in order to focus on a sin area, worship, prayer, guidance, fruits of the spirit...anything that should be a part of our walk as Christians.

5) Benefits of Fasting
A. Exposes Your Greatest Desires - Are they in accord with or opposite from God's desires?
B. Teaches you to hunger and thirst for God (Matthew 5:6).
C. Increases your prayer life.

~ Do not argue with God or try to justify not fasting when you know He is calling you to.
~ Do not fast if you have health issues that would prevent you from doing so. Again, fasting is not commanded and you should not put yourself in harm's way to do so. However, it is still possible for you to abstain from certain foods or even from activities. The absence of certain foods or activities can also put your focus on God and His righteousness if you "fast" from them properly.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A New Beginning

I have finally figured out how to overcome my blogging dilema. So many times I wish to post about what I am learning in Scripture and from teachings at church. But I also want to post about life. But I don't want anyone to miss anything!

So, I have created a new blog for the sole purpose of posting what I am learning spiritually and what impacts me as I study. A couple weeks ago, I was really haunted by John 17:17 where Christ prays for His disciples, "Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth." I want to be sanctified. I want to be sensitive to my sin and confess it. I want to retain Scripture -- both in the way I should live as God's daughter and in the stories He has left us to see His glory. The easiest way for me to know Him and accomplish all of this...is to read the very words He has given us.

If no one reads, that is fine. I also see this as self-accountability. I will have nothing to post if I do not spend time in the Word and in prayer (except for the first few days when I post what I have already studied). But I do hope that my readers will gain encouragement as I post.

I will do several catch up posts. I am in Ecclesiastes right now and there are a couple sermons I want to post notes from.

Get ready to keep up daily!