We were blessed to be able to purchase our "lifetime" dining room set back in January. Then came the debate -- do we get all 8 chairs or just 6 for now? We had the money and the more you buy the better a deal you can get. We knew we'd have this table for a LONG time because it is quality and a classic style. So we got all 8 chairs. If you can swing it, do it in order to avoid "intermediate" purchases.
Notice, we also reinvented uses for some gifted furniture. We were using some of my dad's old bookshelves as a "buffet" (used for holding entertaining pieces in a dining room, placed at the far end of the room), but knew that when children came it'd be impractical. So, we put Matt's old dresser in place of the shelves because drawers conceal breakables and offers more practical storage. We shortened the shelves and now use them as a shoe rack in our closet.
Bookcases are the bane of my interior decorating existance. I can't stand them. Books look so cluttery no matter how you organize them. I can't wait to have a spot to put them out of sight -- they'd be ok in a real office because they are expected there. Or even bookshelves with doors on the front would be superb. But for now, open air books they remain.
Note the odd groupings in the room as it is now (third picture):
~3 main pieces of furniture along the wall: bookshelf, dresser, bookshelf
~3 wall hangings: spoon, portrait, fork
~5 family pictures: notice how we turned the frames so that they are not all hanging the exact same, and the middle one is larger than the rest. Creates intrest and symmetry. The horizontal line also goes with the flow of the large dining room table. The wood tone also matches the table (which I would love for the bookshelves and dresser, but you can't do everything all at once!).
Before the movers arrived with our stuff...
The "intermediate" dining room with bookshelves as the buffet.
What our dining room is today (only we now have all 8 chairs out). To finish off this room, I'd Move the bookshelves OUT -- who has a library in a dining room anyway? Then I would replace the bookshelf buffet with the buffet that matches our dining set. I'd probably leave the 5 pictures on the current wall because it would be too bare without them since it is such a big wall. That would leave the spoon/fork and portrait above the buffet. If the room were bigger, I'd shove the table over a little and put the matching buffet under the 5 pictures. And we can't forget about paint -- though I'm not sure what color I'd use since we're planning to get a new set of dinnerware in the next year or two. :-)
Makes me wonder how I will decorate a home... :-)
So sorry i just now saw this post. I totally relate to the intermediate dinning room furniture set. I don't know of a single couple who hasn't upgraded dining room furniture yet. I agree about the bookcases -- they can be an eyesore. Ours are in our living room. I have tried to also turn them into a classy way to display a few pictures, vases, and Patrick the plant. It takes the focus off the books and brings it more as a display shelf. But who said apartment living was practical? I mean, I know a friend whose office is in the dining room, and someone else who uses their bedroom for an office. You kinda gotta cram stuff where you can.
I love the buffet you have in the second pict. It doesn't look to me like a dresser, more like a buffet.
Thanks for the post! WHen are you gonna do the nursery!?
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