Such a short, sweet verse. It has profound thoughts in between the lines!
Confirm ~ to prove and establish. David is asking God to prove His words to be true again and again. If David can ask, I can too. I am finite and need constant confirmation that God is who He says He is.
Your Servant ~ the occupation we should all hold most dear and do our utmost best at. I thank God I am even allowed to be called His servant!
Your Promise ~ God's Word, the Bible. Everything that is contained in the Bible is straight from the heart of God. It is full of promises to those who love Him AND to those who do not love Him.
Feared ~ awe, reverence, and obedience. He is PERFECT in His goodness, righteousness, and justice. He WILL follow through with His every promise. That alone commands reverence and obedience because no one else can perform such a task!
Here is what is more amazing to me. I sat there looking at a book. It has pages and a binding with lots and lots of words. It is just a thing. Just another history book. All the stories in it are just stories we have to believe happened like all the rest of history. But there is ONE difference. The Author made some promises, and He keeps them to prove that He is God of the Universe! What other history book has one author who makes some promises throughout the stories he records and then is able to keep the promises? Human authors die. You can not keep promises when you're in the grave. That is exactly why the Bible is the Living Word. It is alive and active, being proven every day through creation, justice, and righteousness! We glean how to live a life of sanctification from it. What can we glean from other history books except stories and what NOT to do politically? Sure, all history is important. But the only history book we should master mentally and spiritually is God's Word. It is the only one that will change the course of our own personal history.
And another thing. Who am I to tell God "Confirm to Your servant Your promise"?? He is God. I am a sinful human. But that's just it. He doesn't mind at ALL proving Himself. When He proves Himself, it brings us to our knees in praise and glory of Him. He is our Friend, and friends prove their loyalty and love without even being asked -- that's part of what friendship is.
So keep going, Lord! Keep on confirming...and because You keep Your promises, I can promise YOU that someday, someday I will not need confirmation anymore...
Because I will see Your face.