Not to mention, I've got a close friend who has learned the same things this past weekend. I guess it's just the season of confrontation/reconciliation lessons!
One of the letters I have written contains quite a bit of Scripture. As I was searching for various passages to go with each topic, I saw more and more the simple but profound power contained in each verse. It was as if I had never really SEEN what was written. Sure alot of the verses were familiar, and I've even heard sermons on them. But maybe that's just it. They've been disected for me so much, that only when I studied for myself and my own purposes did I see the verse as a whole...a powerful whole!
Take James 1:26-27 for instance.
If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Ok, so we've all heard the second verse before...many times in fact. But here were the two "Oh DUH!" thoughts that hit me:
1) In verse 26, it simply states that if you are religious -- you obey the Word, you pray, you participate in all sorts of ministry and service -- but do not have a bridled tongue, all you do is worthless. Worthless! Just because of the way you speak. The power in that statement? Our speech has the power to negate what we do in Christ's name. I haven't ever heard anyone preach on that.
2) In verse 27, I've only heard people talk about the orphans and widows part being pure and undefiled religion. But it doesn't stop there. Keeping yourself unstained by the world is also part of pure and undefiled religion. Of course! How can you serve effectively and have a proper witness if you participate in things the world advocates -- everything from entertainment to drinking to sex? I'm not saying we need to be legalistic and throw our TV's out the window, never touch alcohol, and become nuns and monks. It just amazes me that people talk about serving orphans and widows but never touch on making sure your life isn't tainted by the world as you serve.
I know these are simple realizations. After all, the words are there in plain text. But that is my point. I have seen the blatant power of Scripture in all this letter writing that I have done. I have come to ask why people do not clearly see and understand what is written. God has given us EVERYTHING we need for spiritual living and obedience to His will. And He didn't give it to us in riddles and rhymes. He has made it so easy for us to know Him more, to know what He wants of us, to know even our world's history from a spiritual perspective. All we have to do is open the Book...and just read!
So not only have I found freedom from the bonds of putting off what He was asking me to do, but in that obedience I have found freedom in seeing the simplicity of God's Word. It encourages me to study more because I know that it is able to be understood...without the aid of pastors, commentaries, Greek dictionaries...!
And isn't that how it is supposed to be? Know the Truth, because the Truth will set you free!
I really like this new blog of yours :o) Your insights and thoughts are wonderful! We talk about these things so much, but to actually see them in a thoughtful format is a delight! This post in particular is very encouraging to me! I love you!
well, hmm, I'm struggling with the whole prophecy thing...I know we have talked of it before. I am not clear on what scripture says/means when it uses the term prophecy. I looked it up in the concordance tonight and that was no help...Maybe I'm not suppose to understand. Your post was encouraging though. I'm glad you are sharing your insights :)
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