So. Were Noah's children righteous? Or were they shown grace because of Noah's character and the need for them to repopulate the earth?
*We do know that after the flood, Ham brought upon himself a curse from Noah because he basically acted like an immature teenage boy -- telling his brothers their father was naked in his tent instead of doing something about it like Shem and Japheth. But does that mean Ham was not righteous overall? We all slip up. Or was this really Ham's character? (Genesis 9)
Another interesting thought...if the world was SO evil and corrupt that God destroyed all living things save for just a few, what must it have been like??? We look at the world around us and are positively disgusted at the raging sin. And we don't even know EVERYTHING that happens under the sun as God does. We just know what happens around us and what gets reported in the media. Was Noah's day really more evil than ours? Or is it the same and God is just holding out a little longer before He brings in the new heaven and earth?
Just some thoughts to ponder.